by ChangeIsGood | Sep 2, 2021 | Angela Parker, Planning, Planning-Comprehensive Planning
The Collaborative is providing planning consulting services to the City of Atlanta on behalf of its Department of City Planning for a major update to the West End Livable Centers Initiative (LCI). The Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative Program seeks to prepare and implement plans for the enhancement of existing centers and corridors consistent with regional development policies.
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 2, 2021 | Angela Parker, Planning, Planning-Comprehensive Planning
In Spring 2020, the Collaborative completed master plan updates for Subareas 9 and 10. The BeltLine is the most comprehensive transportation and economic development effort ever undertaken in Atlanta, ultimately connecting 45 neighborhoods via a new transit network, multi-use trails, and parks.
by ChangeIsGood | Feb 2, 2022 | 30th Anniversary, Ignacio Bunster-Ossa, In the News, In the News Home
Ignacio Bunster-Ossa, the Collaborative’s Vice President, Landscape Urbanism and Resiliency, describes the fascinating parallel narratives of space exploration and protecting life on Earth which have surprisingly similar roots: survival.
by ChangeIsGood | Jun 24, 2021 | 30th Anniversary, Ed Shoucair, In the News, In the News Home
In this essay, Ed Shoucair, the President of the Collaborative, discusses what it means to be a conservative in today’s world. He says “The values of many conservatives no longer make sense to me. As a child, I learned America’s strength comes from working hard, carefully managing one’s assets, thinking for yourself and tirelessly seeking to form a more perfect union.”
by ChangeIsGood | Nov 14, 2020 | 30th Anniversary, Ed Shoucair, In the News, In the News Home
A superfund to which all countries contribute could ease national debt, find solutions to disease and climate change. Today’s global pandemic makes it clear that lethal viruses are here to stay. Equally evident is the need for new ideas to better address pandemics and the intensifying public health emergency of global warming.