by ChangeIsGood | Jun 24, 2021 | 30th Anniversary, Ed Shoucair, In the News, In the News Home
In this essay, Ed Shoucair, the President of the Collaborative, discusses what it means to be a conservative in today’s world. He says “The values of many conservatives no longer make sense to me. As a child, I learned America’s strength comes from working hard, carefully managing one’s assets, thinking for yourself and tirelessly seeking to form a more perfect union.”
by ChangeIsGood | Nov 14, 2020 | 30th Anniversary, Ed Shoucair, In the News, In the News Home
A superfund to which all countries contribute could ease national debt, find solutions to disease and climate change. Today’s global pandemic makes it clear that lethal viruses are here to stay. Equally evident is the need for new ideas to better address pandemics and the intensifying public health emergency of global warming.
by ChangeIsGood | Mar 1, 2021 | Communications, Communications-Public Outreach, Ed Shoucair
In support of the Dalai Lama Foundation’s “Missing Peace” International Art Exhibit, the Collaborative developed a set of youth engagement activities that were introduced in cities across the world.
by ChangeIsGood | Mar 1, 2021 | Communications, Communications-Public Outreach, Ed Shoucair
In support of the George Washington Institute for Religions Freedom, the Collaborative created and is supporting the rollout of “USA Free for All,” a nationwide “Teen-Focused Campaign for an Inclusive America.”
by ChangeIsGood | Jun 23, 2020 | 30th Anniversary, Ed Shoucair, In the News, In the News Home
The Neponset River Greenway was named one of America’s “Great Places” by the American Planning Association. The Collaborative led an energetic master planning and design process that created the Greenway and today includes a series of waterfront parks, an 8+ mile multi-use trail, restored wildlife areas and wetlands, interpretive exhibits, a major soccer complex, play areas, and courts.
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 18, 2017 | Ed Shoucair, Planning, Planning-Community Development
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Community Development Comprehensive Planning Site & Master Planning Community Development The challenge to all community development projects is encouraging growth that enhances the character of a...