by ChangeIsGood | Jul 13, 2020 | David Chia, Transportation, Transportation-ADA Services, Uncategorized
The Collaborative assisted FTA in developing a revised EEO Circular, which incorporates changes in laws, regulations, and guidance. The Collaborative also developed Microsoft Excel workbook templates for grantees to use in preparing required analyses of employee utilization as well as analyses of employment practices.
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 22, 2017 | Joe Brevard, Transportation, Transportation-Outreach
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Mobility ADA Services Transit-Oriented Development Bike & Pedestrian Outreach Outreach Since its founding, the Collaborative has integrated communications with technical analysis. Our technical knowledge...
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 22, 2017 | Transportation, Transportation-Outreach
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Mobility ADA Services Transit-Oriented Development Bike & Pedestrian Outreach Outreach Since its founding, the Collaborative has integrated communications with technical analysis. Our technical knowledge...
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 22, 2017 | Transportation, Transportation-Mobility
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Mobility ADA Services Transit-Oriented Development Bike & Pedestrian Outreach Mobility The ability to travel is an essential function of daily life. For many people, mobility can be limited due to age or...
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 22, 2017 | David Chia, Transportation, Transportation-Mobility
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Mobility ADA Services Transit-Oriented Development Bike & Pedestrian Outreach Mobility The ability to travel is an essential function of daily life. For many people, mobility can be limited due to age or...
by ChangeIsGood | Sep 22, 2017 | Joe Brevard, Transportation, Transportation-Transit-Oriented Development
Planning Design Engineering Transportation Communications Mobility ADA Services Transit-Oriented Development Bike & Pedestrian Outreach Transit-Oriented Development Whenever possible, the Collaborative creates compact, walkable, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use...