Video & Multimedia
When it comes time to tell your story, nothing communicates with the impact of motion graphics. Our state-of-the-art video and multimedia production team craft products that ensure all eyes are on you and your message. Products include Emmy-award winning television programs, speaker support video presentations, stop-motion infographics, public service announcements, exhibit and kiosk displays, and more.
Overview Video
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA has been one of the Collaborative's most important clients. Over the years, the Collaborative has produced a wide range of videos and television shows. The Emmy-Award winning television shows NASA Connects and NASA Why? Files were viewed by over one million viewers each year. The shows turned cutting-edge NASA scientific and engineering work into stories that young people and people of all ages could understand.
Other video and multimedia products for NASA include video news releases, videos for events and speaker support, and for distribution across the web and social media.
Among the many videos that the Collaborative has created is the iExplore More signature video that introduces students, teachers and general public to NASA’s important work.
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